Good Samaritan Academy provides a well-balanced program that includes both teacher-directed and child-initiated activities, quiet as well as active experiences. Logical thinking, problem solving, accepting responsibility, and social interaction are skills that will be emphasized.
It is recognized through educational research that the influences in a child’s early life markedly affect his/her capacity to develop and learn. In order for that curiosity to be nurtured, a child’s environment must offer stimulation and support through an emotional climate of love. Good Samaritan Academy believes that the best resource for such an environment is one arising from the love of Christ. To accomplish the optimum educational experience for each child, we will encourage close relationships between the staff, parents, and children. Every opportunity will be maximized to achieve a strong support system so that every child feels a bond between his/her home and school. Additionally, Good Samaritan will offer a daily time of Bible story and song for all the children. Another unique opportunity is the inclusion of instruction in the areas of dance and music as part of the regular weekly curriculum.
Our Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program includes all of those experiences as well as a full language arts and phonics program. There are computers in all of the VPK classrooms, which are necessary to prepare the children for a successful kindergarten year.
All religions, races, genders, and cultures are equally valued and welcomed into Good Samaritan Academy. We will build a sense of unity, bringing each child’s culture, language and/or special needs into the shared culture of the school, so that each child will feel accepted. Using the Kindness Curriculum we will help the children learn to respect, value, and have tolerance for individual, cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity.
Our playground provides a safe environment for physical education, an integral part of our program. An appropriate level of fitness can lead to a more confident outlook, emotional stability, and better mental health in general.
Good Samaritan Academy provides a morning and afternoon snack and the parents will provide a lunch from home. The child’s teacher will support the parent’s wise food choices and encourage the children to try and enjoy the foods that are sent or purchased. Sweets will be offered only after the main entrée is eaten. Parents will be given a guide to help them in choosing recommended amounts for a healthy lunch.
Good Samaritan offers extracurricular activities such as music, dance, and Playball. They are offered to parents at an additional cost above regular tuition.